The Pantheon In Rome

The Pantheon In Rome is one of the oldest, most mysterious, yet best preserved temples in Rome. It was built by Agrippa in 27 BC and rebuilt by Hadrian in AD 118-125. Its construction is still amazing. The photographs of the interior were taken by permission of the Ministero per i Beni e le Attivita Culturali di Roma.

Exterior view of the Panthion.  The height and width of the rotunda are the same On the side of a building near the Pantheon One of many small Piazzas among the streets near the Pantheon Fountain in Piazza Dela Rotonda, opposite the Pantheon entrance You can just catch the reflection of the obelisk in Piazza Colonna near the Pantheon Interior view of the Pantheon doorway.  Slow exposure makes the humans seem transcient... Rather grumpy old lady has seen it all before, looking over the Piazza Dela Rotonda towards the Pantheon Detail of the rather grumpy old lady has seen it all before, looking over the Piazza Dela Rotonda towards the Pantheon
Panorama of the interior of the Pantheon (Large File)

Note - the file below is a VR view of the interior. It will launch a separate browser window.  It requires Apple Quicktime Viewer. This can be downloaded free from

Panorama of the interior of the Pantheon (Large File)